Any housewife knows that a burnt pan is difficult to clean and requires effort and special detergents. Most housewives are looking for the best solutions for cleaning dishes. Here is one of these solutions, which is also cheap.

To easily clean a burnt pan, you need a large potato and baking soda. Potato juice in contact with sodium bicarbonate cleans extremely well!

Cut the potato in half and soak it in sodium bicarbonate. Wipe the pan with half a potato.

In some places you will have to put in a little more effort, but the results will appear immediately.
Continue the procedure until the pan is clean. The potato is soaked from time to time in the sodium bicarbonate.

This method can also be used to clean the fat deposits on the stove and dishes.

Other tricks:
Tricks to wash windows quickly and efficiently

  1. Ammonia, for long-lasting cleaning
    For windows that stay clean longer, try a mixture of ammonia and dishwashing liquid, which deposits a protective layer on the surface of the glass.

In one liter of water, add a glass of ammonia and the same dose of dishwashing liquid. Mix the solution well, and then soften a cloth with which to rub and wipe well.

  1. Sanitizing alcohol removes fingerprints
    Fingerprints or fingerprints disappear if the glass is wiped with medicinal alcohol. How to proceed?

Dilute the sanitary alcohol in water and then add a few drops of essential oils to leave behind a pleasant fragrance. After wiping the glass, there is no need to rinse it again.

  1. Potato removes difficult stains
    If the stains are old and deep, try to remove them using a slice of raw potato. Rub the stain well and wait a few minutes until the traces left dry. Then wipe them with a solution consisting of sanitary alcohol and water.
  2. White vinegar wipes off limescale
    Windows near the sink in the kitchen or bathroom can get dirty with limescale stains. White vinegar comes to your aid! Dilute half a liter of vinegar in a liter of water. Spray on the window and then wipe it with a lint-free cloth.
  3. Salt removes the matte appearance
    Many times, the windows, especially those from the balcony and kitchen, have a matte appearance, due to dust, steam, drops of oil or grease. These marks come out if you use coarse salt.

Dissolve coarse salt in white vinegar and water and rub the windows with a slightly abrasive sponge.

Cleaning the toilet bowl:

Vinegar and sodium bicarbonate

Why does this combination work? Vinegar is slightly acidic, able to destroy germs and bacteria, neutralizes the smell and is not toxic. On the other hand, sodium bicarbonate is extremely effective in removing stains.

You need a cup of vinegar and half a cup of sodium bicarbonate. Pour vinegar into the toilet bowl and let it act for 30 minutes. Then gradually apply sodium bicarbonate, and with the help of a brush on which you have poured vinegar, rub until all the stains disappear.