Matthew Perry a fost ucis! Adevărul înfiorător din spatele morții lui. Cine l-a trădat pe actorul din „Friends”

The death of Matthew Perry, the beloved star of “Friends,” has taken a dark turn as shocking details emerge. Investigators have uncovered a criminal network involved in administering a lethal dose of ketamine to the actor.

Who Betrayed Matthew Perry?

At the center of this investigation is Kenneth Iwamasa, Matthew Perry’s personal assistant for over two decades, who has admitted involvement in a conspiracy to distribute the substance that led to the actor’s death on October 28, 2023.

The horrifying death of Matthew Perry

Read also: The cause of Matthew Perry’s death from “Friends” has been revealed. The actor left this world at the age of 54.

The Terrifying Truth Behind the Actor’s Death

Text messages presented in court reveal a shocking indifference towards the actor’s life as those involved discussed the price of ketamine and made derogatory remarks about Perry. In particular, Plasencia referred to him as an “idiot” in the exchanges, showing a complete lack of empathy for Perry’s precarious state. Initially, Perry’s death, found in his own whirlpool bath, was attributed to a combination of drowning and coronary conditions. However, the autopsy revealed extremely high levels of ketamine in his blood, suggesting substance abuse.

The federal authorities’ investigation continues to uncover the scope and complexity of this drug distribution network, which took advantage of the actor’s vulnerability for financial gain. The investigation has led to the arrest and indictment of five individuals who now face serious charges that could result in severe penalties.

“They knew what they were doing was wrong and put Perry’s life at risk, but they chose to act to line their pockets, ignoring the tragic consequences.”