Strange Red Marks on Trump’s Hands Raise Concerns

Donald Trump is no stranger to being in the headlines. However, his latest appearance outside his New York home has caused quite a stir. Close-up pictures of the former president revealed several red marks on his hands, sparking rumors and concerns about his health.

At least three red marks were clearly visible on Trump’s thumb, palm, and finger. The internet quickly took notice when the photographs surfaced online. People began speculating about the origin of these mysterious marks, and the theories spread like wildfire.

Could It Be a Sign of Syphilis?

One sensational theory suggested by James Carville, a former advisor to Bill Clinton, caught the attention of many. Carville claimed that the marks on Trump’s hands could be indicators of syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Syphilis is known to present itself through the presence of sores, similar to the marks seen on Trump’s hands.

“They don’t look like cuts to me,” Carville, 79, stated. “They look like sores. And I’ve consulted with several doctors, and the immediate and unanimous answer I received was secondary syphilis.”

The internet was abuzz with discussion and mixed reactions. Some took a humorous approach, while others expressed concern about the potential health implications.

Internet Reactions

As expected, people flooded social media platforms to share their thoughts on the matter. Here are a few notable reactions:

  • One Twitter user wrote, “Gotta hand it to him. He doesn’t let a little thing like tertiary syphilis impede his social media game.”

  • Another jokingly advised, “If you shook Donald Trump’s hand, you may want to get tested for syphilis immediately. Syphilis is nothing to play around with. Those are some nasty sores!”

  • A third person humorously suggested, “Maybe Donald Trump can use bleach to get rid of whatever is growing on his hand. You know, when it hits the body… as he said about treating Covid. Syphilis is trending on Twitter… oh boy!”

Trump’s Appearance in Court

On that particular day, Trump was seen waving to the cameras with his right hand as he departed for Manhattan federal court. He was attending the second day of the defamation trial brought against him by columnist E Jean Carroll. Carroll accused Trump of raping her in a department store dressing room in New York City during the 1990s.

Carroll expressed her reasons for being in court, stating, “I’m here because Donald Trump assaulted me and, when asked about it, he denied it. Now I’m known as a liar, a fraud, and a whack job.”

Carroll is seeking $10 million in damages, as another jury previously awarded her $5 million and found Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming her.

If you would like to continue reading about Donald Trump and his family, check out the article below.