Lovage, also known as Levisticum officinale, is a wonderful herb to cultivate in your garden. This perennial herb can live up to 7-10 years and has the ability to form self-regenerating clumps if the soil is well-fertilized and properly prepared in the spring. If you’re looking to grow a lush and abundant lovage plant, here are 5 tips to help you get started.

1.Choose the Perfect Spot for Lovage

Lovage thrives in well-drained and moist soil. It prefers sandy soil and should be planted in an elevated area in your garden where water won’t accumulate. It’s best to choose a partially shady spot for your lovage plant. While it can’t tolerate standing water, it does require consistent moisture.

2.Planting Lovage Seeds

Lovage can be grown from seeds, which can be sown in either autumn or spring, preferably in the month of March. Prepare the soil by loosening it and make sure it’s well-moistened before sowing the seeds. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of finely crumbled soil.

Lovage needs some space to thrive. After the spring sowing, the seedlings will emerge in approximately 2-3 weeks, while those sown in autumn will sprout at the beginning of March.

The following year, you should thin out the seedlings to allow each plant to have enough room to grow. Lovage forms a strong and deep root system and can withstand both extreme heat and freezing temperatures. It’s a very resilient plant that can adapt to almost any spot in your garden.

3.Soil Preparation is Key

Lovage requires a well-prepared soil mixture of garden soil and potting soil. The best combination for successfully growing lovage is to mix garden soil with flower soil. It’s important to note that lovage doesn’t do well in clayey or chalky soil. It needs soil that drains well and is slightly compacted, which is one of the essential conditions for the plant to take root.

4.Protecting Young Lovage Plants

Lovage plants are sturdy but delicate during the early stages of growth. To protect your young lovage plants, it’s recommended to cover them with plastic film or a glass cloche every night until the end of April, even though they become much hardier once mature. This simple trick will help your lovage plants establish themselves successfully.

5.Ideal Growing Conditions for Lovage

Lovage prefers a partially shady spot in your garden where it can receive the morning sun and indirect light throughout the day. Transplanting lovage into a very sunny location can be detrimental to the plant as it requires good ventilation and should be protected from the intense afternoon sun. Avoid planting it near walls or fences.

The best spot for planting lovage is under sparsely shaded trees, in shaded areas, or at the edge of your garden in lower-lying areas.

By following these 5 tips, you’ll be well on your way to growing a thriving and productive lovage plant in your garden. Enjoy the fresh and aromatic flavor of lovage in your culinary creations, and don’t forget to share your gardening experiences and tips with fellow gardeners!

Now that you have all the information you need, it’s time to get started on your lovage gardening journey. Happy planting!