Kate Middleton’s unfortunate verdict is shared by a royal specialist, who charges the palace of failing to protect her - Shortquotesworld

Recently, Kate Middleton received significant criticism for a photo that was released on Mother’s Day. The picture, featuring herself with her three children – Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis – had been altered.

This raised concerns among news organizations, leading many to remove the photo altogether. The controversy surrounding the edited image was heightened by the fact that neither Kate nor the palace addressed concerns about her health or provided an updated photo to dispel the rumors.


While the criticisms aimed at Kate Middleton have been harsh, several royal experts have come to her defense. Instead, they are pointing fingers at her husband and the palace for their lack of action in the days following the photo’s release.

The altered image, which was shared on the Prince and Princess of Wales’ official Instagram account, was met with disappointment and criticism from the public.


In addition to the backlash, a recent survey revealed that the popularity of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has also declined. This further emphasizes the growing discontent within the royal family. Many royal experts argue that Kate should take responsibility for her actions. However, Hilary Fordwich, a royal specialist, highlighted that the blame also lies with the palace, referring to it as “yet another public relations disaster.”


Fordwich commented, “A ‘slimmed down monarchy’ undoubtedly means that fewer people are representing the royals, and those who are may not possess the media savvy required in today’s fast-paced, tech-savvy world.” This suggests that the palace should hire professionals who are well-versed in navigating the complexities of the modern media landscape.

Despite the criticism, Kate Middleton’s response has shown integrity. Fordwich added, “Although this isn’t ‘business as usual’ or what we would expect from a royal household, it does show great humility to admit one’s mistakes.” Rather than shifting blame or remaining silent, Kate offered a direct, no-nonsense apology. Her actions serve as an example to others in similar situations.


Taking it a step further, Tom Bower, another royal specialist and novelist, accused the palace of failing to protect Kate altogether. According to him, the Princess of Wales is not surrounded by intelligent individuals, and the professional staff at Kensington Palace should have taken better care of the photo.

“The desire to undermine Kate exists universally, regardless of where people are in the world. When Kate released the altered photo, the palace should have enlisted a professional photographer to avoid any mishaps like the one that occurred,” Bower explained in an interview with The Sun.

Ultimately, the incident involving Kate Middleton’s altered photo has shed light on the challenges of navigating modern media platforms for the royal family. Both Kate and the palace have faced criticism, and while opinions may differ, it becomes evident that protecting the privacy and reputation of public figures is a complex undertaking.