Barrier-breaking TV journalist Barbara Walters developed her trademark interviewing style—a probing-yet-casual approach—throughout the 1960s and ’70s.

She held long-standing jobs on NBC’s Today show and ABC’s 20/20 and, in 1976, became the first female co-anchor of a network evening news program.

In addition to many other high-profile subjects, Walters interviewed every U.S. president and first lady from Richard and Pat Nixon to Barack and Michelle Obama, as well as Donald and Melania Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign.

In 1997, she premiered a still popular talk show called The View and served as co-host until May 2014. The recipient of multiple awards and more than 30 Emmys, Walters died in December 2022 at age 93.

In a heartfelt Instagram post, esteemed journalist Katie Couric bravely shared her ongoing battle with eczema, offering valuable insights and tips for those grappling with sensitive skin issues.

Couric, at 66, candidly revealed a bare-faced photo showcasing a recent flare-up of eczema on both her eyelids. This common skin condition often presents as red, itchy patches, and Couric disclosed that her struggle with eczema dates back to her childhood but has resurfaced in recent years, compounded by allergic contact dermatitis.

In her Instagram caption, Couric addressed fellow sensitive skin sufferers, acknowledging the challenges of managing eczema and allergic contact dermatitis, especially when it comes to skincare routines. She shared her journey of seeking effective treatment, ultimately finding relief through dermatologist Cheryl Lee’s products, which she endorsed for their efficacy in managing eczema. Couric encouraged her followers to explore Lee’s insights and recommendations, providing a link in her Instagram bio for easy access.

Injecting humor into her post, Couric jokingly expressed disbelief at allowing her team to post the photo, highlighting the vulnerability associated with sharing personal struggles. However, she reassured her audience that the eczema flare-up had subsided by the time she met George Clooney, as evidenced by a subsequent Instagram photo. Despite the temporary inconvenience, Couric maintained resilience and humor, describing the condition as “annoying” but manageable.

Couric’s candid post garnered an outpouring of supportive messages, with fellow celebrities like Kristen Chenoweth and Michelle Pfeiffer expressing empathy. Fans thanked Couric for shedding light on eczema and using her platform to raise awareness about the skin condition.

This openness about her health is not new for Couric. In October, she shared her experience surviving breast cancer, emphasizing the importance of early detection. At the American Ballet Theatre Fall Gala in New York, Couric underscored the significance of timely screenings, serving as a living example of the importance of early detection and advocating for mammography and additional screening for those with dense breasts.

Couric’s advocacy for health awareness extends beyond her personal struggles, positioning her as a beacon for individuals navigating various health challenges and emphasizing the importance of proactive healthcare measures.