Howie Mandel, a beloved comedian and television personality, recently graced “The Kelly Clarkson Show” with his presence, where he engaged in a deeply personal and revealing discussion about his ongoing struggles with mental illness.

This candid conversation aimed to confront and diminish the stigma often associated with mental health, while also providing insight into Mandel’s own experiences with these challenges.

Known for his humorous and light-hearted demeanor on screen, Mandel disclosed that away from the public eye, he frequently contends with the burdens of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These mental health conditions have significantly influenced his life, making him feel alienated and different from others since his childhood.

Now at 65, Mandel courageously shared how his life in the spotlight has intensified his mental health struggles. In a striking revelation, he told host Kelly Clarkson, “I’m heavily medicated,” a statement that underscored the significant contrast between his vibrant public persona and the private battles he faces.

For a long time, Mandel suffered in silence, driven by fears of embarrassing his family and jeopardizing his career prospects. But in 2006, he made the pivotal decision to go public with his mental health journey. He recognized the critical need to bring discussions about mental health into the open, despite the personal challenges it posed for him.

Throughout his life, humor has been Mandel’s sanctuary, serving as a coping mechanism and a means to connect with others. He admitted, “My coping skill is finding the funny. If I’m not laughing, then I’m crying.” Although comedy has been a refuge for him, Mandel is aware that it’s not a comprehensive solution and that he must pursue additional methods of healing and support.

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic brought additional stressors to Mandel’s life, exacerbating his pre-existing anxieties. He lived in a constant state of apprehension about the uncertainties of the pandemic, confessing, “There isn’t a waking moment of my life when ‘we could die’ doesn’t come into my psyche.” The global crisis acted as a catalyst, thrusting him into a state of extreme distress that he described as “absolute hell.”

Despite his reputation as a comedic figure, Mandel stressed that he is concurrently engaged in a serious battle with severe depression. He expressed a deep desire for people to recognize the seriousness of his condition, which goes beyond mere surface-level perceptions. Mandel’s words are a plea for empathy and understanding, urging society to adopt a more compassionate and non-judgmental approach to mental health.

By speaking openly about his experiences, Mandel is actively working to dismantle the stigma associated with mental illness. He hopes his vulnerability and honesty will foster empathy and understanding among others. Mandel is under no illusions about the difficulty of the journey ahead but remains optimistic that by illuminating his own struggles, he can guide others toward moments of light and provide hope for those enveloped in darkness.

Mandel’s frankness and sincerity in discussing his mental health battles position him as a beacon of hope and advocacy for those silently facing similar challenges. His message serves as a powerful reminder that mental health issues can touch anyone, irrespective of their external success or persona.

His voice contributes to a broader movement towards a world where empathy and understanding prevail over criticism and judgment, and where discussions about mental health are met with openness and support. Through his willingness to share his story, Mandel is not just seeking solace for himself but is also providing a voice for countless others who struggle in silence.