Marie Osmond’s Daughter: A Beautifully Grown Woman

Marie Osmond, the famous singer of the beloved hit song “Paper Roses,” is not only a talented entertainer but also a proud mother. She has witnessed her daughter, Jessica, blossom into a stunning and remarkable woman.

At the age of 60, Marie Osmond continues to shine brightly in the entertainment industry. From being a renowned singer, she has now transitioned into a well-known talk show host and is currently working on various exciting projects, including a new show with Viacom CBS.

A Journey from the Osmonds to Solo Stardom

Marie Osmond first captured the hearts of audiences as part of the famous Osmond family. Their regular act on The Andy Williams Show in 1962 made them popular and loved by many.

But it was in 1973, when Marie was just 14 years old, that her star truly began to rise. Her country-style song, “Paper Roses,” became an instant sensation, reaching number one on the US Country charts and making it to the Top 5 on the Billboard Magazine Pop chart.

This breakthrough marked the start of an incredible solo career for Marie.

Marie’s success was not limited to herself alone. Her brother, Donny Osmond, also became famous after being part of The Osmonds. The dynamic duo not only had a successful TV show but became two of the most well-known Mormons in the entertainment industry.

Embracing Acceptance and Love

Marie Osmond’s affiliation with the Mormon religion led to some conflicts when she expressed her support for her adopted daughter, Jessica, who identifies as a lesbian. Jessica Marie Blosil is the eldest daughter of Marie Osmond and her ex-husband, Brian Blosil. Marie and Brian adopted Jessica when she was just two years old.

Although Marie’s marriage to Brian ended in 2007, they divorced amicably. Marie later remarried her first husband, Steve Craig, who, like Marie, was also a football player turned public speaker.

While the Mormon Church now accepts the LGBTQ+ community into their faith, it is important to note that this acceptance is still conditional on celibacy. Same-sex marriage is no longer considered an apostasy in terms of Church discipline, but it is still seen as a significant transgression.

Marie Osmond’s fans are deeply touched by her unwavering support and acceptance of her daughter’s sexual orientation. Despite her commitment to the Mormon faith, Marie openly expresses her love and support for Jessica.

In an interview, she shared how honored she felt when Diane Sawyer named her “Person of the Week” due to her unwavering love for her daughter. The news of Jessica coming out as gay at 17 brought Marie to tears, as she simply wanted her child to be happy and believed that judgment had no place in their relationship.

The Joy of Unconditional Love

Today, Marie Osmond’s daughter, Jessica, is happily married to her wife, Sara. In a heartwarming display of support, Marie posted a heartfelt photo of the couple, congratulating them on their marriage and warmly welcoming Sara into the family.

As for Marie and Steve Craig, their love continues to thrive, and they enjoy a happy life together. And of course, Marie’s other children are also finding their own unique paths to success.

Marie Osmond’s journey is a testament to the power of acceptance, love, and embracing our loved ones for who they truly are. Despite any obstacles along the way, Marie’s unwavering support for her daughter Jessica is truly heartwarming.