Missy Robertson has just shared an update, along with some photos, of her daughter Mia, who underwent cleft palate surgery in March. She also posted several pictures from the Duck Dynasty family’s Easter celebrations.

Missy provided the first post-surgery pictures of Mia. The 17-year-old recently had her 14th cleft palate surgery.

“What an incredible weekend! Faith, family, and heaps of food are all so important.

Mia is recovering beautifully! A heartfelt thanks for your prayers and well wishes! We’ve felt each and every one. She still has a journey ahead, but she has made such great strides in such a short time,” she continued.

“Resurrection Sunday serves as a poignant reminder that we will one day be liberated from all physical suffering, while still enjoying eternal life. What a wonderful hope we have in Jesus!” she wrote in the captions of the photos.

The images showcase the Robertson family across various generations, enjoying Easter Sunday together.

Phil Robertson, the patriarch of Duck Dynasty, also shared a post in honor of his granddaughter.

Robertson posted on Twitter, “I visited Mia today and told her, ‘Girl, you are beautiful.’” “She’s doing splendidly, and it’s been two and a half weeks since her surgery. I appreciate all the prayers.”

Mia Robertson was born with a cleft palate, which is a condition characterized by a gap in the roof of the mouth. Her father recently shared on his “Unashamed” podcast that she has had to endure several bone graft surgeries since 2012 to repair the cleft, which tends to reopen and separate as she grows.

According to her father, Jase Robertson, the doctors had to break her jaws in order to align the lower jaw back and the upper jaw forward. Even more challenging, Jase Robertson pointed out that doctors can’t administer any pain medication because “she needs to stay alert” in case of choking.

Healthcare professionals have created a 3D model of Mia’s mouth and jaw after her operation. They believe they’ve been successful in aligning it to the model provided by Missy and Jase. While Missy has mentioned that they are already seeing signs of recovery, Mia is expected to grapple with some swelling for about a year. She will continue her visits to specialists for the next twelve months.

Missy has been keeping followers updated on Mia’s condition and progress following her surgery. Much of the time has been spent recuperating at home, engaging in activities such as playing cards, practicing the piano, and simply relaxing.

Even when unwell, Robertson’s competitive spirit doesn’t falter. Jase recently responded to her request for card games by saying, “I don’t care if you’re ill, I’m not letting you win,” according to Missy’s account.

According to their website, the family established the Mia Moo Foundation with the aim of raising “awareness and funds for the treatment of cleft lip and palate.”

Missy Robertson has just shared an update, along with some photos, of her daughter Mia, who underwent cleft palate surgery in March. She also posted several pictures from the Duck Dynasty family’s Easter celebrations.

Missy provided the first post-surgery pictures of Mia. The 17-year-old recently had her 14th cleft palate surgery.