A Heartwarming Story of a Mom with Black and White Twins

In February, three years ago, a Nigerian mother went into labor, unaware of the incredible journey she was about to embark on. Now, she can easily tell her identical twin sons apart, even though they were born just minutes apart and look nothing alike.

Both of Stacy and Babajide’s children, who are black and reside in Lagos, are albinos. Their distinct appearances make the adorable twins stand out wherever they go. Daniel takes after his 5-year-old big sister Demilade, with dark skin and black curly hair. On the other hand, David has fair skin and golden locks. Stacy chose to document the unique antics of the twins on Instagram, and within just a year, they had amassed nearly 18,000 followers.

The birth of the twins on February 26 of last year came as a complete shock to everyone. “We did not know about their differences while I was pregnant,” shared Stacy. “The scan did not show such, so it was a huge surprise and the most amazing moment when the first twin (Daniel) came out with black hair and the second twin (David) came out with gold hair. Before I knew it, nurses started coming out to look at them.”

Distinguishing between the twins proved impossible, as one was black and the other was white. Stacy’s husband responded to this unexpected turn of events in a touching manner. He lovingly named David “Mr. Golden” and was overjoyed to see his boys. He stood there, mesmerized, for more than 10 minutes, marveling at God’s incredible work and treasuring them as his most precious gift ever.

Nigeria has one of the highest prevalence rates of albinism in the world, with over two million confirmed or suspected albinos. Despite these numbers, this community still faces significant bias and discrimination based on their skin tone. Over 600,000 albino Nigerians experience prejudice and bullying, leading to economic hardship and educational challenges.

Fortunately, Stacy has not encountered any negative comments or actions towards her two sons. They are both loved equally and unconditionally. People are often curious about the twins and want to know their story because of their cute and adorable nature.

Due to the twins’ extraordinary appearance, their family has received modeling offers from agencies in the United Kingdom. To raise awareness and shine a light on important issues, Stacy and her husband decided to create an Instagram account for the twins. They believe that their boys have a compelling narrative to share.

“They have two different amazing personalities,” Stacy shares. “They are a year old now, walking and very playful. Daniel is more expressive, while David is an observer. Both of them are highly inquisitive. Daniel is a foodie, while David is quite picky. Daniel is extremely playful, while David chooses his moments. Daniel always likes to play the bigger brother role. They are both energetic.”

Both of Stacy and Babajide’s children, who are black and reside in Lagos, are albinos. Their distinct appearances make the adorable twins stand out wherever they go. Daniel takes after his 5-year-old big sister Demilade, with dark skin and black curly hair. On the other hand, David has fair skin and golden locks.