Overcoming Loss and Cherishing Memories: Mia Robertson’s Journey

Last week, Mia Robertson, daughter of Duck Dynasty actors Missy and Jase Robertson, experienced a heartbreaking loss.

She mourns the passing of someone she held dear – Dr. David Genecov, her long-time physician, who tragically lost his life in a traffic accident.

Dr. Genecov’s absence has left a void in Mia’s life, as he had been her dedicated doctor for several years. Not only did he provide her with medical care, but he also showered her with kindness and support.

Mia and her family, who have cherished their time with Dr. Genecov, are devastated by the immense loss they now face.

A Skilled and Kind Pediatrician

Mia Robertson has been fortunate to receive the care of a skilled and compassionate pediatrician throughout her life. Dr. Genecov’s expertise and genuine care have impacted Mia tremendously. His love and support will forever hold a special place in her heart, serving as a constant reminder that he will never be forgotten.

A Generous Spirit and Unwavering Support

Missy Robertson, Mia’s mother, shares how Dr. Genecov’s generosity and continuous support have profoundly influenced their lives. His caring attitude brought them peace during difficult times, instilling in them the belief that they could overcome any hardship. Mia underwent her 14th operation in July, an experience she believes will be her last. Inspired by her journey, she established the “Mia Moo Fund” to provide medical care for other children, ensuring that they can confidently smile without the burden of health problems. The unwavering support of their family and friends has also been vital in empowering Missy and Mia throughout their journey.

Finding Strength and Compassion

Dr. Genecov’s kindness and support brought a sense of stability to Mia’s challenging medical journey. His presence during Mia’s 14th procedure in July alleviated their fears, enabling them to face an uncertain future with courage and grace. His guidance and encouragement have given them strength beyond what they thought possible. Day by day, they feel more empowered to tackle any obstacles that come their way.

Thanks to their experiences, Mia established the “Mia Moo Fund” – a humanitarian organization dedicated to supporting children in need of medical care. Through financial assistance, the organization ensures that children do not have to compromise their smiles due to financial constraints.

An Unforgettable Impact

When Missy Robertson shared the sad news with Mia, a heavy heart followed. Dr. Genecov’s impact on those he helped, as well as those closest to him, will never be forgotten. His inclusiveness in decision-making, along with his elegant attire, left a lasting impression. Mia considers herself fortunate to have crossed paths with Dr. David Genecov. His contributions to her journey with a cracked lip and palate, as well as his astounding medical breakthroughs, will leave a lasting legacy for future generations to come.

A Heartfelt Call for Prayers

Mia’s mother, Missy, is unable to recall life before their encounters with Dr. David Genecov. She requests everyone to pray for those who are distressed by this tragic loss. Dr. Genecov’s work and warmth during times of need hold a special place in their hearts. They will forever be grateful for the medical advances and the impact he made on lives worldwide.