Remembering Robert Redford and His Family

Robert Redford, a legendary actor and filmmaker, is a familiar name to many. From his iconic roles in movies like "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and "The Sting" to his work behind the camera, he has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. But amidst all the success and fame, he and his family have also faced their share of devastating losses.

A Heartbreaking Loss

One of the most significant losses for Redford was the passing of his son, James Redford, in 2020. James was not only a filmmaker but also an activist and philanthropist who made a profound impact on the world. Through his documentaries, such as "The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia" and "Resilience," he explored important topics like childhood experiences and their effect on health and well-being.

James also co-founded the Redford Center with his father. This organization harnesses the power of film and storytelling to advocate for environmental justice and activism. Their documentaries, including "Happening: A Clean Energy Revolution" and "The Wild," have received critical acclaim.

James’ passing was a loss not only for his family but also for the film community and the world. His work has inspired countless individuals to take action and create positive change, ensuring that his legacy will endure through the Redford Center.

Remembering Lola Van Wagenen

In 2021, Redford and his family faced another loss with the passing of his ex-wife, Lola Van Wagenen. Lola, who was an artist and activist, dedicated her life to promoting social justice and civil rights. She was one of the founding members of Consumer Action Now, an organization dedicated to consumer protection.

While Redford and Lola divorced in 1985 after 25 years of marriage, they remained close friends and continued to support each other throughout their lives. Their bond and commitment to each other transcended their separation.

Strength and Resilience

The losses of his son and ex-wife have undoubtedly been difficult for Redford and his family. Redford, who is known for his private nature, has opened up about the impact of James’ passing on his family. In a statement, he expressed the immeasurable grief of losing a child and described James as a loving son, husband, and father. He highlighted James’ enduring legacy through his art, filmmaking, and dedication to conservation and the environment.

Despite these challenging times, Redford and his family have shown immense strength and resilience. Their love and support for each other have been their source of comfort and strength. As Redford continues to inspire audiences with his work, the memory of his family’s love and support remains a guiding light.

Let us keep Robert Redford and his family in our thoughts and prayers as they navigate these difficult times. Their story serves as a reminder that even in the face of heartbreak, love and resilience can help us find solace and strength.

Who Is Robert Redford?

Born on August 18, 1936, in Santa Monica, California, Robert Redford has proved to be one of the great talents in American film, starring in classics such as The StingButch Cassidy and the Sundance KidThe Candidate and The Way We Were. Redford also helped start the Sundance Film Festival, which has grown into one of the movie industry’s most prestigious events and a great boon for indie filmmakers. The actor has also moved successfully into producing and directing, winning an Oscar for Ordinary People and receiving both directing and best picture nods for Quiz Show.