
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have once again made headlines with the birth certificate of their daughter, Lilibet Diana. This time, it’s not just the name that is surprising, but also a detail that has raised eyebrows among royal watchers.

On the birth certificate, Prince Harry referred to himself as “His Royal Highness,” using the title “Duke of Sussex” as his last name. This move has raised questions about his agreement to refrain from using his royal titles following their departure from the royal family.

The Sun, a British newspaper, even highlighted this detail and cast doubt on whether Prince Harry and Meghan truly gave up their “HRH” titles as they claimed. It seems that while the couple may have stepped back from their principal royal duties, they still hold on to their titles.

This is not the first time the couple has made headlines with their birth certificates. When their son Archie was born, Meghan Markle chose to use her full, legal name, Rachel Meghan Markle, instead of following traditional royal protocol. Some saw this as an act of rebellion, while others believed she was simply exercising her right to use her full name.

Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, born in 2019, is currently seventh in line to the throne of Great Britain. Now, his little sister Lilibet Diana joins the line, born on June 6 at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital.

Since their wedding, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have captivated the public’s attention. They have become more independent from the traditional responsibilities of the royal family and have gained recognition both in the UK and around the world.

In 2020, the couple made the decision to step back as senior members of the royal family and focus on achieving financial independence. This move sparked intense public debate about the role of royal families in modern society. Despite their departure, they still retain their titles and will continue to attend select royal functions.

As they have embraced their newfound independence, the couple has devoted themselves to various charitable causes close to their hearts. They advocate for sustainability, gender equality, and mental health awareness. Their positions, combined with their influence, allow them to shed light on important societal issues and help underserved groups.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle continue to inspire people around the world with their work. Their decision to step back from the royal family reflects a growing desire for positive change in a society that is increasingly dominated by traditional values.

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In Conclusion

The birth certificate for Lilibet Diana has revealed a surprising detail about Prince Harry’s use of his royal titles. It raises questions about the couple’s agreement to relinquish their “HRH” titles after their departure from the royal family. Despite this, they remain passionate about their charitable endeavors and continue to use their positions to create positive change in society.

The birth of Lilibet Diana is a new chapter for the couple, and it will be interesting to see how they navigate their roles as parents and public figures. Regardless of their royal titles, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have shown that they are committed to making a difference and leaving a lasting impact.