Almighty Lord, Wise and All-Good, Eternal Creator of Your Unbegotten Son, and Bearer of the Holy and Life-Giving Spirit, everlasting and ever-creating; You, the Cause of our existence, Whose glory is boundless, indescribable praise, and immeasurable mercy; You, Who have brought us from non-being and honored us with Your precious image;

You, Who have granted us, the unworthy, not only to know and love You, but even more precious, to call You our Father. We thank You, O God of mercy and compassion, Who did not leave us, Your disobedient children, in the midst of sin and the shadow of death, but condescended to send to earth, for our salvation, Your Only-Begotten Son, through Whom the ages were made, that through His incarnation and His terrifying sufferings, He might deliver us from the devil’s tyranny and the corruption of death.

We thank You, O God of love and power, for after the ascension of our Most Precious Savior to heaven, You sent Your Most Holy Spirit upon His chosen disciples and apostles, to enlighten the whole world with the pure light of Your Gospel.

Therefore, You Yourself, Lover of Mankind, Master, hearken now to the humble prayer of Your unworthy children, for just as You have created us solely out of Your goodness and redeemed us through Your boundless mercy, save us now according to Your incomparable compassion; for from our deeds, we have no trace of repentance, but rather, right retribution and separation from Your radiant countenance await us.

For if, even for every idle word, we shall give an account on the Day of Judgment and recompense, what answer shall we, the poor, give on that day for our countless transgressions, by which we have sinned before You?

Therefore, we run to Your goodness, which surpasses all understanding and words, entreating You: ‘We have sinned, cleanse us, O Lord;

we have acted unjustly, forgive us, Master; we have provoked You, have mercy, O Long-Suffering One.’ Preserve above all our mind, knowledge, and heart from the evils of the world;

deliver us and save us from the overwhelming storm of passions and falls into known and unknown sins; direct us to the calm haven of faith, love, and the hope of eternal life.

Remember us, O Lord, in Your mercy; grant us all petitions for salvation, and, above all, a blameless and spotless life; deem us worthy to love You and to fear You with all our heart and to do Your holy will; through the intercessions of our Most Pure Mistress, the Birthgiver of God, and of all the saints.

For You are a good and loving God, and to You, we offer glory, thanks, and worship, together with Your Unbeginning Son, and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Creating Spirit; now and forever, and unto ages of ages.


PRAYER FOR Difficult Times

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for all You’ve been doing for me. Father, You know everything happening in my life right now. God, this is all too much for me and I can’t do this on my own. Please forgive me for worrying so much about my problems and letting my faith fade.

Right now, I cast all my problems onto you. I all of stress. I give you
give you my all my burdens.

Please take them from me and grant me with inner peace and serenity. Comfort my heart, give me the strength to pull through each day. Help me not to be discouraged but rather, help me to grow in faith and trust in Your timing.

Thank you, Father, for listening to my prayer. In Jesus’ name, I have prayed.