Joe Biden, the oldest acting American president, born in 1942, has been a subject of intense scrutiny when it comes to his health.

As the possibility of his re-election in 2024 looms, the question of whether he could serve a second term, given his age, becomes a central point of discussion.

By the time a potential second term concludes, President Biden would be 86 years old, a milestone that raises concerns about his ability to fulfill the duties of the highest office in the land effectively.

In a time when the health and well-being of the President are subjects of public concern, the transparency of the White House regarding his medical conditions and treatments remains vital. As President Biden continues to navigate the challenges of leadership, his ability to manage his health while fulfilling the demands of his office will remain a topic of ongoing discussion and scrutiny.

Recently, President Biden’s health drew significant attention when he appeared in public with conspicuous lines on his face, running from his mouth to his ears.

These prominent facial marks sparked curiosity and speculation, with many wondering about their cause. The White House has now provided clarification on this matter, attributing these mysterious lines to the use of a sleep apnea treatment mask.

The revelation came when President Biden was observed with these facial markings earlier in the week and again as he departed Washington for Chicago. Andrew Bates, the deputy spokesperson for the U.S. presidency, officially disclosed that the President employs a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) treatment to manage his sleep apnea.

CPAP machines are commonly used to alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnea, a condition characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. These machines operate by delivering a continuous stream of pressurized air, effectively preventing airway obstructions. In the case of President Biden, the straps that secure the CPAP device in place caused the lines observed on his face.

It is worth noting that President Biden’s history of sleep apnea has been documented in numerous medical reports, dating back to 2008. The use of a CPAP machine is a well-established part of his medical history, and its occasional employment is not unusual for individuals with this condition. The spokesperson emphasized that President Biden’s use of the CPAP machine was entirely consistent with his past medical records and current medical needs.

These masks, sometimes used to prevent snoring, have straps that hold the device over the nose. Joe Biden has “disclosed his history of sleep apnea in numerous medical reports” beginning in 2008, Bates clarified.

“He used a CPAP machine last night, a common occurrence for people with this history,” the spokesperson said.

Joe Biden, the oldest acting American president, born in 1942, has been a subject of intense scrutiny when it comes to his health.

As the possibility of his re-election in 2024 looms, the question of whether he could serve a second term, given his age, becomes a central point of discussion.

Recently, President Biden’s health drew significant attention when he appeared in public with conspicuous lines on his face, running from his mouth to his ears.