Jaclyn Smith

Everyone has been buzzing about the recent viral photos of Jaclyn Smith looking incredibly youthful. The beloved actress, known for her role as Kelly Garrett in the hit ’70s series “Charlie’s Angels,” has finally revealed her secrets to staying ageless.

At 76 years old, Smith continues to stun with her timeless beauty and radiant glow. In an exclusive interview with Fox News, she shared her tips on staying healthy, embracing aging, and feeling confident in your own skin.

Smith attributes her youthful appearance to a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset. She doesn’t drink or touch drugs, exercises daily, and follows a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

She even enjoys green drinks to nourish her body from the inside out. According to her, what you put on your body reflects on your face, so taking care of yourself is essential. Moreover, feeling loved and appreciated plays a significant role in feeling comfortable in your own skin.

Growing up in Texas, Smith learned the importance of inner beauty. She finds inspiration and joy in her busy life, filled with work, family, and grandchildren. She believes that staying active and challenged has kept her young at heart.

She also emphasizes the importance of not obsessing over aging, as it only adds unnecessary stress. Instead, she focuses on the magic and innocence her grandchildren bring to her life.

When it comes to her diet, Smith emphasizes balance and moderation. While she loves her fruits and vegetables, she also enjoys indulging in hamburgers, pizza, cheese, and gummy bears. Depriving yourself too much can lead to frustration and eventually backfiring on your health goals. Smith believes that enjoying life’s pleasures in moderation is more rewarding both physically and mentally.

Smith maintains her fitness through a combination of Pilates, weight training, and cardio exercises. She understands the importance of movement, especially as we age and face challenges like bone loss. Being a breast cancer survivor, she knows the significance of exercise for overall health.

She encourages pushing oneself while listening to the body’s needs and limitations. Smith finds motivation and support from her personal trainer, who keeps her motivated and challenges her to reach her fitness goals.

Jaclyn Smith and Dr. Brad Allen

Apart from a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise, Smith attributes her youthful appearance to her skincare routine. Her husband, Dr. Brad Allen, has developed a line of skincare products tailored to her needs.

The line includes a gentle cleanser, exfoliator, night creams, and an eye cream that targets dark circles and fine lines. Smith believes that moisturizing the skin and protecting it from the sun are crucial steps in maintaining a youthful appearance.

She also swears by using makeup products that enhance her natural features and reflect light for a radiant look.

Throughout her career, Smith has learned valuable makeup tricks from talented professionals in the industry. She even developed her own wig line, understanding the importance of feeling beautiful and confident, especially for women experiencing hair loss.

She loves highlighting her cheekbones, using blush and highlighter to enhance her appearance. Smith believes that it’s essential to know and embrace your own features while experimenting with new looks in front of a mirror. She finds inspiration and new tricks on Instagram and emphasizes the power of good lighting for stunning photos.

Jaclyn Smith

When asked about her style recommendations for women over 50, Smith emphasizes the importance of knowing your body shape and finding pieces that enhance your personal style and comfort.

She advises against blindly following trends, as style and comfort should always be lasting considerations. Trying on new clothes in front of a mirror and understanding your size and shape will guide you towards the right pieces that make you feel confident and beautiful.

Reflecting on her time on the iconic show “Charlie’s Angels,” Smith fondly remembers the bond she shared with her co-stars. Despite the loss of Farrah Fawcett and David Doyle, she still maintains a close relationship with Cheryl Ladd and Kate Jackson.

Smith views “Charlie’s Angels” as a gift that opened doors for her career and sparked her passion for design. Her successful clothing line is a testament to the lasting impact of the show and her commitment to creating pieces she would wear herself.

Farrah Fawcett, Kate Jackson, and Jaclyn Smith

In her interview, Smith also recalls the last time she spent with Farrah Fawcett, where they enjoyed dinner at her house. Smith cherishes the memories of Farrah’s resilience and beauty, even throughout her battle with cancer. She admires how Farrah brought awareness to the disease and handled it with grace and humor.

Jaclyn Smith’s secrets to staying youthful and vibrant go beyond skincare and exercise. She emphasizes the importance of a healthy lifestyle, positive mindset, and embracing who you are at any age. With her timeless beauty and genuine spirit, Smith continues to inspire women of all ages to feel confident and proud of their own journey through life.