As a mother, I have always believed that it is our duty to support and encourage our children. But what happens when your child’s actions betray their family? This is the situation I found myself in with my own son, Mike.

Mike used to be a loving husband and father, but he changed after our grandson Tommy was born with Down syndrome. Instead of standing by his family, Mike decided to leave. And now, I have learned that he is getting married again.

It all started when Mike married his girlfriend Jane at a young age because she was pregnant. Even though it was a rushed decision, I genuinely adored Jane from the moment I met her. She was the girl next door, and I thought she was perfect for Mike.

A few months later, Tommy was born. He was a special child with Down syndrome and the most beautiful blue eyes you could ever imagine. But Tommy’s birth changed everything for Jane and Mike. Mike started betraying Jane, and despite their shared history and their child, he ended up filing for divorce.

Mike left Jane to take care of Tommy on her own. I tried my best to support them, but it wasn’t the same. A child deserves to have both parents in their life, as long as they are alive and willing. But Mike didn’t even try to see his son or help in any way. I couldn’t understand how my own son could be so heartless.

I begged him to come back or at least support Jane financially. But he shut the door in my face every single time.

And then, things took a surprising turn. Last month, my nephew Liam came to me to order a cake for his mother. He let me know that Mike was getting married again. I was shocked.

To be honest, I barely knew anything about Mike’s life anymore. From his new job to who he was dating, I was completely out of the loop. All I knew now was that Mike had found a new woman to marry him. And I had not been invited to the wedding. I asked Liam for the address, and he gave it to me without hesitation.

All I could think about was Jane and Tommy. When did Mike become such a different person?

Fast forward to the wedding day. As I walked up the aisle with Tommy in my arms, I heard Mike’s voice as he recited his vows. I couldn’t help but confront him in front of everyone.

“Before you say ‘I do’ again, Michael St. John, meet your first ‘I did’ and the family you abandoned,” I said.

I addressed his soon-to-be wife, and I could see the sadness in her eyes. She was just a young girl, and I felt terrible that she had to witness this.

The officiant then called for a break, allowing the guests to step outside and have a drink before the ceremony resumed. I was okay with that. As much as I wanted to embarrass Mike, I didn’t want to hurt his bride more than necessary. But very few people left. Most of Mike’s family seemed entertained by what I had said, while the bride’s family couldn’t hide their shock.

In that moment, I poured out everything. I told them about how Mike got married young, about Tommy’s birth and condition, about his betrayal and divorce. I warned the bride about what she was getting into.

“He may be my blood,” I told her with Mike standing behind her, “but I didn’t raise him to be this way. Jane is more like a daughter to me now than Mike is a son.”

I held Tommy closer to me, my precious grandson who had brought so much love into my life, as he sucked his thumb.

“Your child deserves a father who will never leave him. You’re a terrible person, Mike. So different from the wonderful boy I raised and loved more than anything.”

With that, I left the room filled with stunned guests, a bewildered child, and a bride reevaluating the man she had fallen in love with.

The next day, Liam and my sister came over for coffee. Liam told us that the bride burst into tears as the church doors closed behind Tommy and me. She threw her wedding bouquet at Mike, took off her shoes, and walked out of the ceremony, with her family chasing after her.

Mike was humiliated, angry, and stunned in front of the guests, who were glued to their seats, hoping that Jane would return.

Now, you might think that destroying my son’s wedding was extreme. And I’ll admit, it was a bold move. But my intention was to teach Mike a valuable lesson.

It’s not too late for him to make things right for Tommy. I am willing to welcome him back into our family as a son and a father. Or, if that’s too much for him, I will settle for him being involved in Tommy’s life in some way.

But I would like to ask you, the readers: Was I right in destroying my son’s wedding? If so, thank you for understanding and supporting me. But if not, what would you have done in my place?

While you ponder that question, here’s another story for you: As Jane prepares to marry Anthony, she starts receiving anonymous messages warning her not to marry him. Curious, she embarks on a journey to a nearby inn, where she discovers the reason behind the warnings.